Monday, March 12, 2012


Hey, everyone!

As we continue the planning process for the upcoming COMMference, this blog will be a way to stay connected with students and alumni, as well as a venue to display student work. We want to thank everyone who has already helped us in picking a name, especially Teresa Bradley for creating the winner. We’re excited to get started on the next phase of planning: submissions.

We need your help. We’re now accepting submissions for the presentation portion of the evening. This part focuses on exceptional student work since January 2011. These submissions can be papers, projects or presentations. Since only a limited amount of presentation spots are available, submissions will be selected on a first come-first served basis. We reserve the right to select the submissions to be presented based on the variety and need for the evening. Those that are not accepted for presentation at the April 21 event will be posted on our blog so others may still benefit from your hard work.

Guidelines for Submission:

1. All participants must be a communication major or minor or a member of Communication Department-related student organizations or affiliated media (Examples include: Ad&PR, Lambda Pi Eta, NCASC, National Broadcasting Society, Forensics, the Index, News36, Detours, and KTRM--The Edge).

2. All works submitted must have been completed at Truman after January 2011.

3. All works must be related to a Communication course or be affiliated with the above organizations that are affiliated with the Communication Department. 

4. Each student may make no more than two submissions.

5. Group projects must recognize the work of all members. If a project was produced by more than one student, all group members must consent to its submission. 

6. Each submission will be involved with The Commference in one of two ways:
- Formal Presentation at The Commference 
- Featured on The Commference blog 

7. Formal presentations must not exceed 10 minutes in length, and may include an excerpt and discussion of the submission. Examples might include showing clips of a news package, reading a passage from a course-related paper, or sharing a portion of a PowerPoint presentation.

8. All submissions must include two parts:
- Completion of submission form by Friday, March 23
- Electronic copy of work sent to 

Please go to the link above and submit something. Thanks!

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